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Article 1 – Scope 

These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) establish the conditions for registration and participation in the EYE Conference Luxembourg 2024 (hereinafter referred to as Confernce). All participants accept the GTC at the time of registration. 

Article 2 – Legal Notice 

The European Young Engineers Conference Luxembourg 2024 a.s.b.l. (EYE LU 24) is headquartered at 9 rue de Chiny, L-1334 Luxembourg. The association is registered in the “Registre de commerce et des sociétés” under number FF14121. 

Article 3 – Registration for the Confernece 

  1. Registration start will be lunched on the EYE Conference Limerick on the 18th May 2024. 
  1. Registrations for all individuals young (future) engineers are done through the website 
  1. EYE LU 24 reserves the right to freely decide who is admitted to the Conference, without the potential participant having any recourse. EYE LU 24 is not required to justify this decision. 
  1. Upon registration, a series of information must be provided. Any information explicitly provided may be stored and internally managed by EYE LU 24. EYE LU 24 may also store the IP address of the registered person, as well as the registration date and time. 
  1. For all registrations, priority is given to the first registered. An exception is made for point 3.3. 
  1. Potential participants who cannot attend the Conference on friday to sunday, are automatically placed on a waiting list. 
  1. The participation fee must be paid by all potential participant within the registration process. 
  1. With no specific reason it is not possible to cancel your registration and to receive a refund. Please send us an e-mail to for individual requests related to this topic. 

Article 4 – During the CONFERENCE 

  1. The house rules of event locations must be strictly adhered to. 
  1. Any instruction from an EYE LU 24 committee member must be strictly followed, provided it does not contravene the house rules of the event locations. 
  1. During the Conference, everyone is responsible for their own actions. Each participant is individually liable for any vandalism, theft, or bodily harm. 
  1. The Conference program must be fully attended. 
  1. Every Conference participant accepts that photos and recordings may be taken of them during the Conference. Any visual or audio material produced at the Conference may be edited and published by the EYE LU 24 committee. Those who object to this rule must inform before the Conference. 
  1. A participant who receives a ban from either one of the event locations or the EYE LU 24 committee must arrange their own solution at their own expense and initiative. 

Article 5 – Travel, Visa, Health 

The participant has to be aware of any travel rules or health requirements that could affect the attendance of the conference and must take care of any procedures on his own responsibility. 

Article 6 – Data Protection 

  1. The data protection regulations of the EYE LU 24 website. 
  1. By accepting these GTC, the data protection regulations according to 6.1 are also accepted. 
  1. EYE LU 24 does everything in its power to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 (GDPR). 
  1. The potential participant accepts that EYE LU 24 may transfer data to subcontractors within the European Union. All subcontractors are bound by a specific contract, according to GDPR, to maintain the confidentiality of this data. 
  1. The potential participant may request the correction of their data by a simple email to 
  1. The potential participant may request the deletion of all their data by emailing registration@ However, this may prevent participation in the Conference, as all requested information is important for the operation of the Conference. 
  1. The potential participant may request all the data stored about them by emailing 
  1. The participant who booked the hostel accepts that their name, address, nationality and date of birth will be passed on to the hostel. 
  1. The participant accepts that their name, nationality and address will be passed on to the organizers of the visits. 
  1. The participant accepts that their data will be passed to the EYE. 
  1. Except for points 6.8, 6.9, and 6.10, no data will be passed on to third parties without explicit additional consent. 

Article 7 – Duration of Contract 

This contract comes into force at the time of registration and is valid until December 15, 2024. 

Article 8 – Liability and Force Majeure 

Should the Conference not take place or be interrupted due to an unforeseeable circumstance (“force majeure”), the participant has no right to claim a refund of their participation fees. 

Article 9 – Changes to the Conditions 

EYE LU 24 reserves the right to change the GTC at any time. The participant must accept the amended GTC. If a participant does not agree with the changes, they may withdraw their registration and receive a refund of their participation fees. 

Article 10 – Place of Performance and Jurisdiction 

Luxembourg law applies to these GTC. 

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