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The EYE Conference 2024 in Luxembourg is organized as part of the European Young Engineers. Two conferences are held annually in different European cities. 

The EYE, the European Young Engineers, serves as a dynamic network uniting representatives from various member associations, creating a platform to exchange best practices in running young engineering associations. With a current representation of approximately 500,000 young engineers spanning over 20 countries, EYE continues to grow with the ambitious aim of encompassing young engineers from every country within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The organization strives to ensure that its members have the opportunity to participate in conferences and benefit from this collective wealth of knowledge. 

At its core, EYE embodies a philosophy that views Europe as a cohesive entity enriched by diverse individuals and cultures. Functioning as an international family, EYE provides a space for engineers to connect, fostering the exchange of both their engineering passion and personal and professional experiences. Emphasizing independence, EYE actively engages in advocating for the political interests of its member associations and all young engineers and engineering students, addressing topics that significantly impact the engineering community. 

For further information about EYE have a look at their website!

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